Cuyahoga Falls High School
Concert Bands
There are four concert bands at Cuyahoga Falls High School serving nearly 250 students. Click on the link below each picture for detailed information for each ensemble.
Freshman Concert BandAll ninth grade band students are placed in the Freshmen Concert Band. Students will participate in three to four concerts each year as well as participate in Ohio Music Education Association adjudicated events.
Gold Concert BandOne of three auditioned ensembles, the Gold Concert Band is comprised of sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Students perform in four to five concerts per year as well as participate in Ohio Music Education Association adjudicated events.
Black Concert BandBlack Concert Band is one of the three audition bands and is made up of sophomores, juniors, and seniors. These intermediate to advanced musicians perform four to five concerts annually as well as participate in Ohio Music Education Association adjudicated events.
Symphonic BandSymphonic Band is composed of sophomores, juniors, and seniors who demonstrate the highest levels of musicianship. Students participate in four to five concerts per year as well as perform in Ohio Music Education Association adjudicated events.